Legal Information and Privacy Policy


Legal Information

By accessing the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website, you agree that you have understood and accept the legal information below.

Please refer to the Privacy Policy if you have any questions about data protection.

The legal information and any information and opinions published on the LEX Pharma Consulting SA a website can be changed at any time without prior notice.

No warranty, no guarantee and no advice

The information on the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Although LEX Pharma Consulting SA exercises the level of care and due diligence customary in the industry to ensure that the information on the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website is accurate, reliable and complete at the time of publication, we cannot guarantee or assume any liability (be it explicit or implicit) for its accuracy, reliability, topicality or completeness. LEX Pharma Consulting SA has no obligation to update information or opinions, to specify that information is no longer up to date, or to remove such information from the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website.

LEX Pharma Consulting SA takes no responsibility and cannot guarantee that the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website will function without interruption or errors, or that errors will be rectified.

Links to other websites and to the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website

LEX Pharma Consulting SA has not tested the websites linked to the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website and accepts no responsibility for their content or for the products, services or other offers they include. The establishment of connections to other websites is at your own risk.

Prior permission from LEX Pharma Consulting SA is required before setting up a link to a third-party website on the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website.

Exclusion of liability

LEX Pharma Consulting SA does not accept any liability to the extent that is permissible by law for direct, indirect or consequential damage incurred by the user or by third parties as a result of accessing or using the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website or as a result of the impossibility to access or use it, interruptions to service or other deficiencies.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

As far as admissible by law, access to and use of the LEX Pharma Consulting SA website and the legal information shall be subject to substantive Swiss law. Subject to conflicting and compulsory legal provisions, the sole place of jurisdiction for all proceedings is Bern.

Data Protection

LEX Pharma Consulting SA observes the provisions of Swiss data protection legislation when collecting and processing personal data. In all areas of its online product range, comprehensive technical tools and organizational measures are used to protect against unauthorized access, manipulations and data loss. Learn more about how we handle data on our website.

Accessing public web pages

Generally, LEX Pharma Consulting SA website can be accessed without requiring users to identify themselves. For statistical purposes and to optimize our services, LEX Pharma Consulting SA may collect and process the technical information that your access device and browser automatically provide us with. This includes the following information:

–Date and time of access to the website

–Type, version and language settings of the browser and operating system used

–Display size of the screen used

–IP address of the end device or the Internet gateway

When you view our website, the LEX Pharma Consulting SA server may also send cookies to your device. These cookies help to make your visits to our websites more convenient. For example, if you have selected a language setting, you will not have to repeat it. The cookies do not enable the website visitor to be linked to a specific individual.

When you access third-party websites via links on, you leave the sphere of influence of LEX Pharma Consulting SA and this notice therefore no longer applies.

Disclosure of personal data in the public sphere

If you provide us with personal data, e.g. by entering information in a form, you give your consent for your data to be collected, stored and processed. Your data is sent in encrypted form and stored at LEX Pharma Consulting SA where it is inaccessible to third parties. The data collected is limited to essential information and is only used and stored in order to process the procedure requested. Your data is not passed on to persons or organizations outside LEX Pharma Consulting SA unless you give your express permission.

Communication by e-mail

If you use one of the e-mail addresses published by us to make contact, you expressly authorize us to respond to you by the same means either to the sender address or to an address you indicate. E-mails are sent over the Internet in unencrypted form and may be accessible, readable and open to manipulation by others. E-mail is therefore not a suitable means for sending confidential information.

Google AdWords Conversion Tracking and Adobe Analytics (“cookies”)

Google uses cookies to determine performance. These are saved on your computer for up to 30 days once you have clicked on an AdWords advertisement. The information is limited to the total number of users who clicked on an advertisement before being forwarded to a site equipped with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not obtain any information that personally identifies the user. If you want to deactivate the use of cookies, you can do so directly in your browser.

This website uses Adobe Analytics and cookies which are stored on your computer and which facilitate the analysis of the use of our website. No personal data is collected or saved which could enable the website visitor to be identified. You can deactivate the use of cookies in your Internet browser.

Protection of privacy

Protecting your privacy is very important to us.

We abide by the legal regulations in force, for example the Swiss Data Protection Act, when processing personal data.

Customer data

When you read our e-mails or visit our website we reserve the right to monitor, record and analyze your activities and use the information obtained to optimize our range of products.

Use and distribution of data

LEX Pharma Consulting SA will use your data solely for the purpose of providing services. Furthermore, you authorize LEX Pharma Consulting SA to use your data for LEX Pharma Consulting SA marketing purposes. We abide by the legal regulations in force e.g. the Swiss Data Protection Act when processing personal data.

Use of e-mail addresses

LEX Pharma Consulting SA only uses your e-mail address for its own purposes. LEX Pharma Consulting SA does not pass on any e-mail addresses to third parties.


LEX Pharma Consulting SA strives to protect customer data from unauthorized access using the latest technological and organizational means.


You can unsubscribe from our e-mail distribution list at any time. Instructions on how to do so are contained in each e-mail.